Who Desires …

Who Desires …

Who desires to sink into the unfathomable ocean?
You, my poet! - I know, have the guts to be drowned
into the ocean of life, an art; no fear, at all –
How deep, how long?
O, my man of the common fellow,
You have the heart of tenderness!
Compiling the heaps of the broken images
For a perfect image - a hope of a sun incarnation.
Your words, the spirit of protest,
Enough in mellow tones, a poesy of polite urge,
Of this promising age to shatter the pride of arrogant,
Who forces to unload the cargoes of the bleeding hearts.
O, the man of perceptions, muses for
the gyrating hawks and sinking roads!
Even the staggering civilian surprises to listen
The story before the petals unfold.

Let conchs be blown in the glory of you,
Let bells to be tolled to declare the day,
Let the dying land be saved for the real survivors,
It’s the birthday of the poet!!!!

(Published in Poetcrit 28.2 (July 2015): 152)