Insatiate Thirst

Insatiate Thirst

May be, the wonder were all,
the Birth,
the vision of sunshine and the silhouettes!
Sweet smell slithered
into nostrils,
winged on soft zephyr.
The sight –
in quiet and pleasant green woods
danced the delighting spring
in chirps and in coos.

The quite blossoming after,
the coarse delight oared
on the overflowed stream
piercing the surging waves.

Of cruel end at the spring,
the warmth seared summer’s wind,
the tender sprout was burnt
and soil was cracked;
elided draught and famine.

Blind for all sights and pilgrimage bleak,
the wayfarer tired was of wandering,
And became thirsty in the un-constant mirage of desert.
And those like a treacherous Giantess
chewed the green heath.
The last Myth!

Now, the insatiate thirst bashes,
to be quenched, the flattering sky
for a drizzle of shower. Alas!
Cherrapunji is far, far away the Land!