

ममैवांशो जीवलोके जीवभूत: सनातन: |
मन:षष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानि कर्षति ||

[The embodied souls in this material world are my eternal fragmental parts.
But bound by material nature, they are struggling with the six senses including the mind.]
(The Bhagavad Gita, 15 : 7)
At day’s end,
close to the hills,
the Sun ever faints
and melts down
into an infinite
where is no end,
the great endless!

What are lost, or
will be; cannot be
archived for retrieving
peace in cacophony.
Yet, truth is never to
be convinced; nor
heart to be solaced.

Mortal dreams never
cease to soar at a height
with their heavy wings
under the fluorescence
of neon lights; where
empty stomach always
pukes the bitter bile.